The Legal Writing Launch Course

Course Overview

Module 1: The Basics of Legal and non-Legal (Expository) Writing
  • Lesson 1: Legal Writing–Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion (IRAC) and Conclusion, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion (CRAC)
    • Optional Lesson 1 Written Assignment: from Legal Research, Analysis & Writing, draft a Power-Packed Paragraph on burglary
  • Lesson 2: Non-Legal of Expository Writing—Simple Paragraph Structure and Point, Context, Analysis, and Conclusion 
Module 2: IRAC/CRAC and Fundamentals of Writing
  • Lesson 3: CRAC–The Difference Between a Case Brief and a Power-Packed Paragraph 
  • Lesson 4: Grammar and Basic Writing Guidelines 
Module 3: Legal Memoranda and Citation Formats
  • Lesson 5: Legal Memoranda, Universal Memorandum Format —Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion and Other Formats
    • Optional Lesson 5(a) Written Assignment: Draft a legal memorandum, using the Question Presented, etc. format regarding beer and burglary
    • Optional Lesson 5(b) Written Assignment: Draft a legal memorandum, using the Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion format regarding hazing at a university
  • Lesson 6: Citation Formats 
Module 4: Correspondence
  • Lesson 7: Legal Correspondence, In General, and Informational Letters 
  • Lesson 8: Opinion or Advice Letters
    • Optional Lesson 8 Written Assignment: Draft an opinion letter regarding the termination of parental rights
  • Lesson 9: Demand Letters
    • Optional Lesson 9 Written Assignment: Draft a demand letter regarding the First Amendment
Module 5: Writing for Court — Motions, and Trial and Appellate Briefs
  • Lesson 10: Motions and Memoranda of Points and Authorities
    • Optional Lesson 10 Written Assignment: Draft a motion to suppress evidence regarding the freezer search
  • Lesson 11: Trial and Appellate Briefs
    • Optional Lesson 11 Written Assignment: Draft an appellate brief for the appellee regarding the abandonment of the suitcase
Module 6: Drafting Legal Documents
  • Lesson 12: Complaints 
  • Lesson 13: Declarations 
  • Lesson 14: Requests for Judicial Notice 
  • Lesson 15: Stipulations 
  • Lesson 16: Settlement Agreements 

Legal Writing Launch Course is a self-paced legal writing course, designed to transform your legal writing skills ASAP!

Students will learn to:

  • Employ the analytical structure of Conclusion, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion (CRAC).  (CRAC is based upon IRAC)
  • Use Power-Packed Paragraphs™
  • Draft legal documents, so that the reader can find the document easily accessible

“It’s none of their business that you have to learn how to write.
Let them think you were born that way.”
~ Ernest Hemingway

student signing a legal document

By the completion of the Legal Writing Launch Course, students will gain the skillset to draft:

  • Legal memoranda
  • Legal correspondence (demand, opinion, and informational letters)
  • Motions
  • Briefs (trial and appellate briefs)
  • Other legal documents (e.g., complaints, settlement agreements)

The intended audience is:

  • New lawyers
  • Students who have failed the Bar Exam (especially the New York State Bar and California State Bar Exam)
  • Law students
  • LLM students (Master of Laws) (with LLM Degrees or seeking LLM Degrees)
  • Pre-law students
  • Practicing paralegals
  • Other professionals in law-related fields–Human Resources, Regulatory Compliance or Risk Management
legal writing launch students - law students - bar exam students
student, typing, keyboard

Students will learn:

  • To perform legal writing in a practical manner
  • To write using correct grammar

Students will learn by:

  • Completing short and targeted readings
  • Watching personalized educational videos
  • Performing written assignments (with the instructor’s feedback).

This Course is not a substitute for law school or a paralegal program.  Nor, does this Course encourage in any way the unauthorized practice of law.  And, this is not a Bar review course or a Bar tutorial.  The Course is intended to enhance the learning in these other schools, programs, and tutorials.

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